Exports of Telecom, Computer & Information Services
$2.1 B
Total Financial Year 2020 exports
YoY Growth
Data Source: SBP
X-Axis: Name of Countries Y-Axis: Amount in Million Dollars
X-Axis: Name of Countries Y-Axis: Amount in Million Dollars
The World of IT & ITeS in Pakistan
Total Population of Pakistan: 227 .3 million
175.62 million
Mobile Phone Subscribers
82.90 million
Internet Users
43.55 million
Facebook Users
3.4 million
Twitter Users
7.6 million
LinkedIn Users
IT Graduates Every Year
Size of the Industry
$280 billion
4.8 %
Contribution to GDP
$2.1 billion
Export Revenue
$1.2 billion
Domestic Revenue
IT Companies
The annual IT remittance to Pakistan through Banking channel has shown tremendous growth over the past decade
IT Growth Over the Past Decade
3rd on Freelancer
IT Growth Over the Past Decade
5th on Upwork
YoY Growth
Industry Scope